Friday, November 26, 2010

It's True...

Before playing video go to my playlist and pause the music

So Mary trusted God for more than her eyes could see......

The words to this song are so beautiful and sum up the hope I have.

When doubts threaten to overwhelm I am trusting God for more than my eyes can see. Im trusting that Jesus is more than just a beautiful story. Im trusting that the tiny babe was more than just flesh and blood, but love in all its glory. Im trusting that one day I will meet my Jesus and that he, with open arms, will welcome me into eternity. I am trusting, as my heart leaps within me, that it is true! It is true! It is true!

Special thanks to "Girl with Blog" for sharing this song.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What wonderful words to this song... So glad you were blessed by it as well :)