Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Black (Good) Friday...

For the majority of Americans Black Friday means long lines and a shopping frenzy unheard of anywhere else in the world. Of course all in the name of giving, but we are giving to those that already have more than enough. When what we see Jesus doing is giving to the least of these; not his family, friends, bosses, co-workers or kids. So what do we do?

Well that is an something best worked out between you and God. How you choose to live out your faith is something unique to your family, but there is a guiding truth which leads us to a life worth living.

I will admit, I will be shopping on Black Friday, but I will be doing it with a heart focused on God. I will be doing it with a song of hope in my heart and I will not let my witness be wasted for the sake of getting the best deal. I refuse to get caught up in all the drama. I refuse to fight for the best toy. I will be a light and a help to those I meet. That might mean carrying a cart back for someone when my hands are already full or giving up a spot to someone in the parking lot. It might mean sitting in line singing Christmas songs while most everyone else is impatiently grumbling. It will definently mean letting everyone I meet know the true reason for my joy.

Mostly it will mean asking myself some tough questions as I search for the best deal & constantly reminding myself about another Black Friday close to 2000 years ago. See 33 years after Jesus birth he would be crucified and the hopes of his disciples would be crushed. They (unaware of what was to come) would suffer the lost of one that was their friend and only hope and God would watch as his son hung dying on a cross.

Of course we know the rest of the story and its because of that story that we celebrate, but countless others are living without hope. There are those all over the world whose idea of Black Friday means they will watch a child die because of unclean water, they will spend another night on the streets, they will spend another day hungry with no end in sight other than death.

Those are the real statistics of Black Friday! Those are the headlines that will get overlooked when searching through sales ads, but there are other trajedies that will occur on that day. There will be families that go even deeper in debt just so that there kids can have the latest gizmo and gadget. There will be families that will be torn apart because that debt is pushing an already tense situation over the edge and there will be people who will miss out on the good news because our society has chosen consumerism over God. Worst of all that is the reality for believers as well; who have lost sight of whats truly important.

Ask yourself... "Have you lost sight of whats important at Christmas?"

Even if the answer is no; well then are you sharing the good news of Good Friday (a life given freely as a sacrifice) with others or are you hoarding up that joy for you and your family alone? Are you reaching out to others everyday (even Black Friday)?

Are you extending the boundaries of your home so that it includes the world?

Are you living out Good Friday on Black Friday?

1 comment:

Sweet Apron said...

Good stuff. Thanks for the reminder:)